Press - A medium which has received a lot of well
Press in the last few years as the media industry coos over the birth of digital and possibly the retirement of Press.
In the short time I have spent in the Press department at MEC my opinion has changed. My initial view was that Press was on its last legs but in all honesty I believe it still has a lot of credibility. More importantly I believe the way we think about press needs to change and be promoted in a way which glorifies it rather than dismisses it.
In thinking of how to change people’s perceptions of Press I questioned the status and authenticity of news which circulates around the web. Content and stories posted online can spread virally within minutes but unless these make headlines in the national press, how important and newsworthy are they?
Take this example of a Tweet which was re-tweeted by Stephen Fry: "Pls join me in supporting Rebecca (a long-time pal of Stella's dad, John) and school friends walking 50 miles to give this little girl a fighting chance."
As a result, Stella received over £2000 through Twitter, but more significantly her story made national headlines and featured in
The Sun!
Ask yourself this: If the story didn’t appear in the pages of the press, how important would you have considered it and what is the likelihood of you even knowing about it?
During my morning commute I religiously read the Metro newspaper and as a result came across a number of crucial articles relating to our competitor brands. Interestingly both articles commented on the brands' online ad campaigns; demonstrating press' role in enhancing the story's significance. More importantly, without reading these in the Metro first it is unlikely that I would have come across them or even deemed them as important or relevant.
I think people should see Press as giving the ultimate stamp of approval and authority rather than as a dying medium. Press isn't dead, because without it how can we distinguish what is newsworthy?